অসম শক্তি উৎপাদন নিগম লিমিটেড


As per the provisions of the Apprentice Act, 1961, as amended from time to time, it is a statutory obligation on the part of every employer to engage stipulated number of Graduate/Technician apprentices every year in their establishment for one year apprenticeship training along with applicable stipend. In APGCL vide office order no. MD/APGCL/PLT/03/11/13 dated 09/06/2014, approval for engagement of 10 nos Graduate Apprentices and 25 nos Diploma Holder (Technician) Apprentices posts per year as per statutory requirement was accorded.

As such apprentices have been engaged at APGCL since then. However in the year 2020 & 2021, due to Covid-19 induced lockdown, no apprentices could be engaged.

Note: Applications may be submitted every year between July-October to the CGM(Gen)/GM(HR) APGCL, Bijulee Bhwan, Paltan Bazar, Ghy-01, from eligible Engineering Graduate/Diploma holders regarding their engagement for the next year as Graduate/Technician Apprentices at APGCL along with educational testimonials and valid NATS registration ID as applicable under the Apprentice Act, 1961, as amended from time to time.

SL. No. Name Download
1 Cancellation of earlier advertisement dated 14/02/2020 with regard to engagement of apprentices. Download/View
2 Notice for Engagement of Apprenticeship Trainee Download/View